Monday, April 11, 2011

Irk #29

I really hate girls who pretend to like sports because they think it makes boys like them more.  If you can't actually have an intelligent conversation about the team, players, etc., you don't count as a fan.  I also hate girls who drink beer because they think boys think they are hot because of it.

Doylestown, Pennsylvania

Irk #28

I really hate Facebook during baseball season.  If the Phillies weren't good, you wouldn't even know there was a team in this city. Where were all of you prior to 2007?  Oh right, Yankees or Red Sox fans!!!

Doylestown, Pennsylvania

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Irk #27

I really hate it when people stop for gas or go to the car wash and feel the need to keep their car stereo at TOP VOLUME. Oh please, we're not impressed with your sound system and sure as hell don't need any loud dance music to pump gas to.

Chalfont, Pennsylvania

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Irk #26

I really hate when people take longer than three seconds to hit the gas once the light turns green.

Perkasie, Pennsylvania

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Irk #25

I really hate when people laugh uproariously at performances that are not that funny. I know you are desperate to have a good time, but you make me think less of humans. Develop more discriminating taste and shut up.

North Wales, Pennsylvania

Friday, March 25, 2011

Irk #24

I really hate when people don’t pull into the intersection while trying to make a left turn at a traffic light.  They instead wait patiently behind the limit line looking for a break in the oncoming traffic while the light turns from green to yellow to red to green to yellow to red to green to yellow to red, you get the idea.  Pull up so both of us can make the left when the light turns to yellow/red, you have the legal right of way to clear the intersection before the cross traffic can proceed through the light.  

Conshohocken, Pennsylvania

Irk #23

I really hate when people talk way to loud in a office/cubicle environment.  Didn’t you learn ‘indoor voices’ when you were a kid?

Conshohocken, Pennsylvania